stories from the kimberley
Culture, history, sport and community developments, all in one place.
Garnduwa Amazing Race
Last week Garnduwa staff from across the Kimberley came together in Broome for a week long staff workshop.
Aboriginal Mental Health Training
Over the past five weeks, our Indigenous staff in the Broome office have been completing the Kimberley Empowerment, Healing and Leadership Program with the KAMS LTD. Social and Emotional Well-Being Unit
Term 4 - Dampier Peninsula
Our Kullarri Active Communities team Nick and Jordan have been running weekly basketball and footy in Beagle Bay, Djarindjin and One Arm Point this term.
Term 4 in the Valley
Our Active Communities Coordinator Sam has been running basketball, footy and soccer across Muludja, Bayulu and Yakanarra communities this term.
Deadly Diva Day 2020 - Looma
Looma Deadly Diva Day begun with a Welcome to Country from local elder Lynley Juboy, who has long been a supporter of Garnduwa and women’s sport in Looma.
Deadly Diva Day 2020 - Broome
On the 19th of November Garnduwa hosted our annual Deadly Diva Day event in Broome. We had 5 organisations come down to run rotating workshops for over 50 girls.
Nykina Cultural Leadership Camp
In consultation with local stakeholders and community elders Rona Charles and Gordon Marshall, Garnduwa coordinated our first Cultural Leadership Camp for young male descendants of the Nykina clan.
2020 Deadly Diva Day - Derby
On Wednesday the 21st of October, Garnduwa kicked off our annual Deadly Diva Day events in Derby.
Garnduwa and KAMS team up to run Boxing in Derby
On Wednesday October 21, our Derby Development Officer Fiona teamed up with the Tackling Indigenous Smoking team to run BoxFit for women and girls in Derby. Fiona had identified a group of women who work as service providers in Derby, who could use some ‘me time’.
Junior Basketball Carnival - Broome
Throughout the second week of the school holidays, Garnduwa supported the Broome Basketball Association to run a junior carnival for kids right across the Kimberley.
2020 Bunjiman Carnival
The 2020 Bunjiman Carnival was held over the first weekend of October this year in collaboration with the Central Kimberley Football League. Garnduwa staff travelled from Broome, Derby, Kununurra and Halls Creek to support the carnival, umpiring, mentoring and coordinating the day.