stories from the kimberley

Culture, history, sport and community developments, all in one place.

Garnduwa Sport and Recreation Garnduwa Sport and Recreation

On track for over 1 million minutes of sport and recreation participation

Quarter 1 of 2024 has seen our operations extend right across the Kimberley. We have spent the first part of the year focussing on recruiting and developing local community members to deliver sport and recreation in their home communities.

Scroll through the gallery below to learn more about our key statistics.

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Kimberley Active Communities Program, Community Recreation Officer Garnduwa Sport and Recreation Kimberley Active Communities Program, Community Recreation Officer Garnduwa Sport and Recreation

Active communities from One Arm Point to Kalumburu

Our Kimberley Active Communities Program (KAC) operates throughout the Kimberley. The program has multiple focuses. Firstly, to encourage young Indigenous people to engage in a healthy and active lifestyle through their regular participation in sport and recreation; secondly to build the capacity of Kimberley communities at an individual and collective level; to deliver sport and recreation themselves.

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Garnduwa Sport and Recreation Garnduwa Sport and Recreation

Sport programming takes off in Balgo

The remote Aboriginal Community of Balgo, 280 kms south of Halls Creek, within the Tjurabalan region is seeing incredible rates of community participation in sport programming following a recent partnership commitment between Garnduwa and the Wirrimanu Aboriginal Corporation. The Partnership has seen Garnduwa commit funding for 30 hours a week dedicated to sport programming. Lolanthe Fitzgerald, the Project Manager of the Balgo Youth Engagement Strategy, spoke to us about the impact sport is having in Balgo Community

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