Deadly Diva Day 2020 - Looma

Looma Deadly Diva Day began with a Welcome to Country from local elder Lynley Juboy, who has long been a supporter of Garnduwa and women’s sport in Looma.

This year we were joined by Mowanjum young leader Cissy Umbagai. Cissy came along as our keynote speaker, speaking to the girls about her journey growing up in community and now working at the Mowanjum Arts Centre. Cissy has also captained the Mowanjum LadyHawks, and emphasised the importance of finding support to reach your dreams and break the cycle.

This year we also had Miranda from PAKAM run a media workshop where the girls had to work together to create their own interview style video. Cissy also ran a screen printing session, giving the girls lots of opportunities to express themselves creatively.  

Our very own Fiona ran a deadly yarning circle, where the girls spoke about some of the issues they were facing right now and ways we can work together to grow our communities. Finally, we had Trent and Santana doing a session on “Healthy Minds”, and a chill out yoga session with Anna Helm. One of our best diva days yet! Thanks to everyone involved.  


Term 4 in the Valley


Deadly Diva Day 2020 - Broome